Sunday, November 9, 2008

An Inner Peace

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
An Inner Peace
by Muhammad Nazir Husayn Khaki

So now, certainly, Allah did not break the neck of any unruly tyrant in this world except after allowing him time and opportunity and did not join the broken bone of any people (ummah) until He did not inflict calamity and distress upon them. Even less than what sufferings and misfortunes have yet to fall upon you or have already befallen you are enough for giving lessons. Every man with a heart is not intelligent, every ear does not listen and every eye does not see.

I wonder, and there is no reason why I should not wonder, about the faults of these groups who have introduced alterations in their religious pleas, who do not move on the footsteps of their Prophet nor follow the actions of the vicegerent. They do not believe in the unknown and do not avoid the evil. They act on the doubts and tread in (the way of) their passions. For them good is whatever they consider good and evil is whatever they consider evil. Their reliance for resolving distresses is on themselves. Their confidence in regard to dubious matters is on their own opinions as if every one of them is the leader (Imam) of himself. Whatever he has decided himself he considers it to have been taken through reliable sources and strong factors. - Imam 'Ali (a.s.)

Certainly, America staged the most dramatic, historic, and costliest moment in its history on November 4th 2008.

Kenya did not miss a beat in order to celebrate this prized moment. In fact, it seems to be the only such time a sovereign country declares a holiday over affairs that preside in a foreign nation. Surprising? Maybe not. The essence of Obama's presence in the White House needs to be a deciding factor in the way Kenyans, and the rest of the world, should conduct their lives. The last election in Kenya tore the nation apart with violence and over 500 deaths. Despite that, tribes and communities now seem united when one of 'their own' became the 44th US President. Amazingly, his tribal roots was not a factor in their joy, but the fact that he was a Kenyan and an elected president of a country that is considered a superpower (perhaps the only one), a country that expresses (and expresses only) democracy and freedom, a country that sets the stage for a global recession or progression, and above all, a country where power does not mix with religion.

Yet, with the massive celebrations that spun across the world, it comes as a stark reminder and a bleak understanding that underneath the most powerful nation in the Western Hemisphere, chosen leaders can make a dramatic difference. The world heaved a sigh of relief that the Bushs era is gone. Had McCain won, would this sigh be as audible? Perhaps not, and this is simply because their affiliation comes from similar roots (Republicans). In fact, Bush was going to go no matter what, but it was the remarkable anticipated transition from a character such as Bush to a character such as Obama that created an urgent sense of relief.

In essence, when one thinks about it, is it the person or the persona that changes what man perceives? If John Kerry, a democrat, succeeded, would the world be as jubilant? Again, maybe not. Even Hillary Clinton did not do it for the nation during her progress. It begs to define reason that ultimately in this case it was not only the physical presence of a person that initiated the change that America has been seeking, especially in the last few years.

Obama pushed through with his motto of 'change', but whether they knew it or not – in blind ignorance or inner certainty – Americans were truly tired of the path they had taken. Change they needed, but what kind? Previous leaders such as the Bush family, Clinton, Reagan, and many presidents in the past sought to bring about this 'change', but could not deliver as America was simply immersed in materialism and temporary pleasures. Americans sought perfection in wrong avenues such as economical progress, educational advancements, personal gains, and financial strengths, leaving behind the deciding factor in human perfection: moral and ethical values. It is such kind of perfection that is always needed, and one that is unknowingly being sought thus the temporary satisfaction in other types. They need moral upliftment as well as ethical promises that are correctly executed. They also need something more that cannot be explained. Throughout the campaign, Obama seared through iron hearts and blank souls eventually tapping in to the lost essence of mankind. Obama does seem to have given the public all they seem to have lacked, but going a step further, this lack of a specific guidance is not really a physical or material need, as previously explained.

Just as science cannot explain how a man can capture a vast ocean in the small mind of a human being, a mind that grasps this vastness both in size, color and texture, and which cannot be understood until today, neither can man understand the existence of a spiritual essence engrained in the soul of every human being, which just as the mind similarly exists but is inexplicable. Over the last few years, millions of souls on American soil and across the seas experienced a painful decade of lack of character and instability of Bushes' inner peace and values. Add to that Clintons lack of morality and decency that softly reflected the true concept of the Western moral system, they finally looked towards Obama – no, they looked towards a man that held himself well with valued promises – someone who could bring 'something' back. Not their money, not their friends, not their foes. Admittedly, these can be deciding factors to an extent. The threatening power of Bush against the Iranian nation, the assertance of 'black democracy', as I call it, on other feeble nations, the plundering mess in both wars, the responsibility of the bloodshed on American hands in Afghanistan and Iraq, the destruction of families across lands, the encouragement of the unjust Zionist regime, the biased mass media against the peaceful core of Islam, the twisted words of politicians, the greed of money and power in the 80's, all this and much more engulfed the hearts of Americans to a degree never imagined.

It was time man needed an inner change, an inner security, and this was proved from the same country that vehemently opposes religion to mix with politics. It is precisely the message of Islam, where the character, moral and ethical values reign supreme above all. And whether Obama, despite his nationality and namely origin, executes it or not only time will tell, but until then, it remains an underlying necessity to have leaders that possess the economical prowess combined with a spiritual upliftment in order to advance towards security, and above all, some sort of peace. It is what the American people wanted. It is what the world needs. On the surface and for the anticipated four years, it is what is expected. It is why Colin Powell, a Republican, backed Obama, a Democratic for "his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities," in addition to his "style and substance."

No matter what leader the countries of the world choose, it is the return of the Promised Saviour both in Christianity and Islam that will eventually seal the real lack of certainty, and peace, plaguing the world today. The Saviour who will bring back lost causes and true hopes, and bring to perfection what man has made imperfect; an inner peace. Jesus and al-Mahdi (peace be upon them both).